mae murphy                            


Project created in ARCH 202

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of change: a new lense
Time to acknowledge the difficult task to define change. What does it mean to me? What does it mean to others? Why do we care? How does this tie to language?
The first step in the process is to simply acknowledge impending change. To see the contrast between where you were, where you are and where you are going. It takes a moment in the present to become aware of your surroundings. It takes time. The cognitive act of change requires risk. Step out of your comfort zone. Participate in something new. The awareness and risk unite together to form a new direction in the process. Small choices lead to larger impacts.
Designers have an important role. We have the ability to understand how things work and implement the new. But be warned, it is powerful in both ways. Immersion is the most important factor. Become educated in the people. Learn from them, befriend them, document them, love them. We need to investigate the subjects and site before we imperialize. Context is key. But then I ask the question: are we really changing? Is history one big cyclical movement? We may have evolved biologically, but what about intellectually?
The next step in my investigation relies of the research and knowledge acquired through talking to people and seeing how they define and perceive change.
What is change to you? What is the biggest change in your life?
Change only exists in its relationship to the past.
How has language changed?
Lines form letters. Letters form words. Words to sentences. Sentences to paragraphs.
Line forms letters, but what happens between the letters? What makes up the negative space? How do I read between the lines.
As the lines, letters, words and paragraphs transform from one another, the previous representation loses meaning. We read the words, but not the individual letters within. I created new forms within the voids of the arbitrary letters in order to understand the undiscovered spaces in our language. These pieces are a new set of forms ready to change into a new “word” “sentence” and “paragraph.” A new language between the lines.

Mae MurphyIowa State University, b.arch 2022